Ella being in daycare has been a pretty good thing. As much as I would like to have her with me all day, I know she is safe and doing well the the ladies at daycare. One thing I don't like- all the germs she brings home with her. It seems as though I have gotten pretty much every ailment she has gotten from stuffy noses to throwing up....yummy.
The latest and greatest: pink eye. The eye drops that we have to put in her eye? Even better. Her screams that can be heard from miles away is just the icing on the cake. Of course it is to help her and make her eye feel better, but how do you explain that to an 8 month old?
Despite the pink eye, she is still as talkative and curious as ever.
Drew had pinkeye in both eyes awhile back, and of course I got it too! He now has his 3rd ear infection - and we aren't really in daycare yet!
Hope Ella's eye clears up quickly!
Hey, pretty girl.
Love you so much,
Grammy & Granddad
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